Six Stages of Building Your Dream House

House construction in the Philippines is one of the most exciting yet challenging phases individuals and families alike can experience. Why, isn’t it one of the default items on anybody’s bucket list? Surely you have imagined your dream house at one point in your life. But how does the house actually come to life from your drawings to a real, tangible place to go home to?

Those circles, lines, and squares on your paper will become real windows and doors by going through six stages:

Phase 1: The Planning Stage

Papers, papers, papers. Most work at this stage of house construction in the Philippines is about developing and finalizing a set of plans with architect/s and engineer/s. Once that is settled, necessary building permits with the local government must be secured.



Phase 2: The Site Work Stage

Now off to preparing the construction site by clearing and leveling the land. The land may need to be filled to keep with the minimum flood elevation. Some digging will also be done especially if you will have a basement. Footings and foundation walls will be formed and poured. Concrete will then need time to cure.


Phase 3: The Framing Stage

Next step is to install the roof trusses, floor system, and walls. The exterior walls will also be sheathed. Up also goes the windows and exterior doors.


Phase 4: The Internal Fixtures Stage

At this stage of house construction in the Philippines, internal fixtures such as wiring for the phone, electronics, and security systems are installed. Pipes, wires, sewer lines, vents, water supply lines, and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) are also set up.


Phase 5: The Insulation, Drywall, and Flooring Stage

You have various options for insulation but commonly applied are cellulose, fiberglass, blanket insulation, and foam. Drywall is also completed at this stage. Then follows are the cabinets, flooring, and bathroom finishes. Final coats of paint should also be finished at this point.


Phase 6: The Landscaping Stage

Now that the house is up, time to work on the landscaping. You now must decide whether that age-old tree will stay or go and what kind of flowers and shrubs you’ll plant along the walkway and patios. You should already be planning your housewarming party soon!

These stages of house construction in the country involve a whole lot of financial and emotional investment, but I am sure that once you take that first step inside your house it will all be worth it. Best of luck to building your dream house!

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