The Basics of Loan Interest Rate


What is an Interest Rate?

When it comes to a loan, the assets you borrow may include but are not limited to cash, consumer goods, houses, and vehicles. Whatever the loan is, an interest rate is applied. The interest rate is the amount a lender charges on the total amount you borrow. It is usually noted on a monthly or annual basis depending on your agreed repayment terms.

A loan with the lowest interest rate is sought by most borrowers as it’s more affordable and easier to repay. On the other hand, studies show that when loan interest rates are high, fewer people and businesses can afford to borrow because consumers experience financial restraints (such as low disposable income or high living expenses).

How do interest rates work?

Why do lenders charge interest? It is because they require compensation for the loss of money that they could have invested to generate more income instead of providing a loan. The system charges higher interest rates if it thinks that there's a lower chance the debt will get repaid. Financial institutions apply lower interest rates for low-risk loans such as salary, universal, and emergency loans. For high-risk loans such as vehicles and real estate, expect them to yield a higher interest rate.

How to know if a loan has a low interest rate?

Studies show that any loan that has a 5% interest rate or lower is considered a good deal. It’s easier to repay and doesn’t propose financial restraints. Some financial institutions even have excellent loans with the lowest interest rate that fall under 4%! When borrowing, you can also negotiate with your lender to reduce your interest. Say, you have a decent credit history, you may be given a lower rate.


  • When paying for a loan, an interest rate is charged on the top of your borrowed amount.
  • Applying for a loan with the lowest interest rate depends on your loan risk and credit history.
  • Loans with under 5% interest rate are the loans you should apply for.

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